Monday, March 9, 2015

Welcome to Zanzibar! Welcome to the Cannibal Party!

There are white sandy beaches, sun and sea... But the Indian Ocean does not resume to that! We often forget that the inhabitants of this region of the world also know how to party! Really party! Here in Mauritius but also in Maldives or Zanzibar are organized parties that have nothing to envy to those of the trendy capitals of the world. Follow us to Zanzibar! More precisely on the small island of Pwani Mchangani, located North East of Unguya, the main island of the archipelago.
On Pwani Mchangani Island, every Friday night is organized, on the largest beach of the island, one of the most original festivals in the region, the Cannibal Party. No Friday night looks the same on Pwani Mchangani Island. The least we can say is that there is something for everyone. In the early evening, groups and orchestras are there to entertain the crowd by playing their most “caliente” songs. The party then continues with the best DJs on the planet. Their extraordinary show gets people on the dance floor and on the beach until the next morning.
Partying on the beach, that’s definitely not new! So what does the Cannibal Party have to offer more than just a regular party on the beach? The Cannibal Party is simply an extraordinary celebration where the atmosphere is phenomenal. The organizers have a real eye for detail. They set up fantastic sceneries for all those coming from around the world to party. Bars and even cages are placed everywhere for you to enjoy this exceptional evening. Some regulars even come dressed as Masai, which adds to the atmosphere and exotic decor.
Dancers and artists offer a unique show. You came for a party ? You will enjoy a party! And you will also get a professional show as a bonus! Artists offer authentic circus and acrobatics acts. Between the fire-eater juggling flaming torches, the dancer who rises to several meters high and stands head balanced upside down for several minutes, the artists who do extraordinary tribal dance numbers, you will not know where to look. 
If you are in Zanzibar on a Friday night, you cannot - and you should not - miss the Cannibal Party, an event that will delight you if you like exotic atmospheres and original evenings. You will leave the Cannibal Party with wonderful memories!

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